Hostel Knot
"The knot between people and people, people and Izu Peninsula" Located in the center of Izu Peninsula. Shuzenji, one of the most popular and historical tourism spot, with hot springs and nature-surrouded. Wish you a good encounter
【Standard】Bed without meals 《Dormitory・Twin room》
Our hostel’s standard plan.Hostel Knot, a guesthouse located in the center of Shuzenji Onsen, Izu’s oldest onsen town.A traditional Japanese house renovated by hand.Easy access to tourist spots and ot
Rent dormitory as private for group 1~8 people
Private 6-person and 8-person dormitories for groupsYou can stay in a private dormitory room instead of sharing a room.You can use it under the same conditions as a private room.6-person room: Accommo
Hostel charter Plan 《》
Guest house rental ¥65,000~One building charter use in Shuzenji hot spring townLocated in the center of Shuzenji Onsen in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, one of the many famous hot spring townsWe offer
⚫罠猟基本コース 税抜25000円(税込27500円)到着時間によりお時間は調整出来ます。一例です↓1日目9:00 修善寺駅集合9:15 「狩猟に関する知識」9:30「罠の知識」10:00 獣害の被害状況などを見学11:00 現場偵察および実践12:00 昼飯(費用別となりますがカップラーメンなど軽食はご用意可能です)13:00 他地区へ移動し実践16:00 解散 宿までお送ります。2日目8:00