Uda Medicinal Bath Inn, Yatakiya
"To the nostalgic future in you" An old private house Auberge in Uda, Okuyamato
◇2周年記念特典◇・薬草三昧の特別ディナー(薬草の生春巻き/オーガニックスイーツ付き)・大和当帰葉と厳選スパイスのクラフトコーラ(おひとり様1杯まで)・初摘み宇陀産ぶどう使用!ここでしか飲めない「二本杉ワイン」(おひとり様1杯まで)・お好みの薬草をブレンドできるオリジナル薬湯体験・身近な薬草をめぐる摘み草ウォーク【オプション】2024年5月14日に「うだ薬湯の宿 やたきや」は開業2周年を迎えます。
Basic Plan
Those who make reservations online will receive a 500-yen gift certificate that can be used at the restaurant or at merchandise sales!Located in Uda City, Nara Prefecture, Yatakiya is in a Satoyama (r
Special Plan
Those who make reservations online will receive a 500-yen gift certificate that can be used at the restaurant or at merchandise sales!Birthdays and anniversaries with loved ones are a special time to
【Website Exclusive】 - Consecutive Night Discount Plan
Consecutive Stay PlanEnjoy a 5 percent discount off the regular rate!In order for you to enjoy Yatakiya and Uda City for longer, we have prepared a special plan for consecutive nights.After checking i
【Website Exclusive】 - Early Reservation Plan
Early Reservation PlanEnjoy a 5 percent discount off the regular rate!We have prepared a special price plan for those who make a reservation at least 30 days prior to your stay.After checking in at Ya