Yamabe County, Yamazoe Village, ・NARA
ume, is a resort in the eastern corner of Yamazoe village, Nara. It is made up of only three rooms, made in the reformed house of the former village mayor located at the top of a small hamlet. Many people who would not normally interact are brought together as come in search of this environment. Here, they can look out from the mountaintop at the faces of nature as they change with the seasons, the days, and the hours. At ume,yamazoe, an unexpected something is born every moment.
1 night with 2 meals plan
3-group limit per day hotel - ume,yamazoe -Experience “now”, your existence in harmony with nature, through people, food, and our hotel…◆PlanNatural Japanese-style food (Washoku) 2 meal (dinner and br
1 night with 2 meals plan
3-group limit per day hotel - ume,yamazoe -Experience “now”, your existence in harmony with nature, through people, food, and our hotel…◆PlanNatural Japanese-style food (Washoku) 2 meal (dinner and br
プライベートサウナ “ume,sauna“で整い、地の野菜でBBQができるプランです。”ume,sauna”でカラダをととのえ、この土地で収穫された野菜やその時々の“季節のモノ“”自然の恵み“素材の味を活かした調理法でいただく、カラダ環境を整えるプラン。※11時半~14時もしくは14時半~17時までサウナ2時間半貸切利用とBBQができるプランです。※こちらのご料金の中に、サウナ・