A "villa to experience creative living" in the sustainable farm and park "KURKKU FIELDS".
perus plan(Oct~)
The word "perus" is a Finnish word meaning "basic" or "elementary. We place importance on "making the most of the goodness of the ingredients" and "the basics" of the cyclical nature.We are working da
takka plan(Oct~)
This plan allows guests to cook and enjoy their own meals in the "takka" kitchen lounge located in the cocoon facility.The kitchen lounge staff can help guests with menu planning and cooking, so even
perus 日帰りディナー
【日帰りでperus ディナーを楽しめるプランが登場!】本プランに含まれるものレストラン“perus”でのディナーコース ※18:00スタート(10月~6月) 通常2〜3時間 ※18:30スタート(7月~9月) 通常2〜3時間※受付はperusに直接お越しいただくかtakkaにてお申し付けください“perus”とはフィンランド語で“素”や“基本”といった意味を表す言葉で、「“素材”の良さをいかす」
takka plan(Oct~)
This plan allows guests to cook and enjoy their own meals in the "takka" kitchen lounge located in the cocoon facility.The kitchen lounge staff can help guests with menu planning and cooking, so even
perus plan(Oct~)
The word "perus" is a Finnish word meaning "basic" or "elementary. We place importance on "making the most of the goodness of the ingredients" and "the basics" of the cyclical nature.We are working da