LifeStyleHotel ichi
【旬旅】高知の旬を身に纏う旅【KOCHI THE GIFT】
Creating Endless MemoriesWhen you want to have a fun time with friends, When you want to relax with your partner or family, You will find the perfect way to spend each moment.Travel more freely. Hotel
Creating Endless MemoriesWhen you want to have a fun time with friends, When you want to relax with your partner or family, You will find the perfect way to spend each moment.Travel more freely. Hotel
【Consecutive nights】連泊プラン【素泊り】
Stay Discount By making consecutive night reservations, you can enjoy special discounted rates.連續入住優惠 透過連續預訂入住, 您可以享受特別優惠價格。Creating Endless MemoriesWhen you want to have a fun time with friends, When
【Early discount】早割プラン【素泊り】
If you make a reservation at least 7 days prior to your stay, you can enjoy a special discounted rate.如果您在入住前至少7天預訂, 您可以以特惠價格入住。Creating Endless MemoriesWhen you want to have a fun time with friends,
【Local cuisine】皿鉢プラン【夕食付】
皿鉢とは鮮やかな絵柄が彩る大皿に、海と山の旬の美味が彩られています。自由な発想で自分だけの小皿に選んで、心ゆくまで楽しんでください。大皿料理は、みんなで囲んで楽しむ喜びと、個々の贅沢な時間を同時に味わえる特別な一皿です。ずっと続く想い出を友人とわいわい楽しみたいとき恋人や家族とゆったり過ごしたいときそのときどきにふさわしい過ごし方が見つかります旅をもっと自由にHotel ichiはずっと続く想い出